Over the past 3 years we have successfully developed and delivered a support service providing parent carers with low level emotional and practical support, where additional 1:1 support is required which falls outside of the statutory services delivered by Trafford LA. This support service is invaluable to parent carers, particularly at a time when they need it most, with a strong and robust team managing the day to day delivery supported by a fantastic group of volunteers and experts by experience, whom together we have already provided support to over 200 families.
We are now also able to offer, bespoke Psychotherapy which is person centred around a parent carer needs and is not a prescriptive offer, to those parent carers who have been identified and previously emotionally supported by our peer to peer support service and would significantly benefit from. This service is delivered by a qualified psychotherapist with over 10 years’ experience supporting parent carers of children and young people with SEND who can provide a structured, informed, professional and empathetic Psychotherapy service to parent carers experiencing a range of emotional difficulties.