Trafford Parents Forum have been at the forefront of delivering voices of parent carers of SEND children and young people in Trafford since 2013 and have gone from strength to strength with our own 'lived experience' together with over 800 parent carer members who share their ongoing experiences with Trafford Parents Forum through engagement and participation, all of which is captured and communication with the local authority, key stakeholders and other community organisations.
Our parent carer community is at the heart of what we do and we support them throughout their SEND journey by improving their knowledge, facilitating engagement between other parent carers, building their confidence so that they can share their lived experiences, providing practical and emotional support along the way to empowering them to be the best advocate for their children and young people and support new parent carers through their journey, which in turn provides a continuous provision to parent carer support by parent carers themselves.
We hold weekly drop in events, parent carer wellbeing activities, regular training, workshops, together with much valued peer to peer emotional and practical support, reducing social isolation for those who have lost confidence and struggled to engage within the community.
In providing a platform for parent carer voices to be heard through participation opportunities, including sharing lived experiences through surveys and consultations and specific projects such as Autism in Schools. We represent the wider views of parent carers across Trafford with experienced parent carer representatives who sit on key strategic boards alongside key representatives from education, health and social care professions.

You will find us at 2 Ambassador Place, Stockport Road, Altrincham WA15 8DB. We are opposite the Esso Garage and opposite the entrance to Osborne Road.
If you are visiting us, you will find on street parking - some spaces are restricted to two hours, so please check the road you are on for more information. There are pay and display spaces at the Ice Rink and Train Station also.